Christmas and Holiday festivities typically brings with it a great deal of stress from harried schedules, lack of sleep and less than optimal nutrition. And that is a recipe for disaster!
Ask Yourself: How many times have you gotten sick in and around the holidays?
It's a well-known fact that stress in all forms, particularly when coupled with poor nutrition wreaks havoc on your immune system's ability to keep you well. (Cliff's Notes: you get sick)
And if you're running around shopping, decorating and cooking to ensure your Family has a great holiday, AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR DAT!
Now there may not be a whole lot I can do to help you with how you choose to manage your time.
I can, however, share an easy way for you and your Family to optimize your immunity through nutrition: Be sure to get your Vitamin C! (Kinda reminds me of that scene from A Christmas Story when Ralphie's Secret Decoder tells him to drink his Ovaltine! 😜)
Check it out...A salad chock full of immunity-boosting Vitamin C!
Mango, spinach and sweet potatoes...all deserving accolades (or honorable mention) for their Vitamin C content. Delicious and Nutritious! Orange Ya Glad Nature Offers Options?
SECRET BONUS!!! The protein in the chicken keeps your blood sugar levels stable for a longer period of time, than if you ate the salad without it.
Stable Blood Sugars = Stable Energy = Less Stress On Your Body (that's a whole chapter in and of itself)
Eat Well, Stay Well and Finish Strong! 💪