If You Train The Same, You Stay The Same
It’s easy to get into the routine of doing the same workout every day.
Same bicep curls.
Same lat pull downs.
Same crunches.
Same 30 Minutes Of Perpetual Hell on the DREADmill.
Now maybe you’re kinda new to working out and aren't sure how to progress.
Maybe you’re a creature of habit and are change resistant.
At the end of the day, one thing is CERTAIN: If You Train The Same, You Stay The Same.
That applies as much to Workouts as it does every other area of life. Now that may not sound like such a bad thing, but you’ve got to remember that everything around you changes, all the while you try to stay the same.
Your metabolism changes.
Technology changes.
People change.
Economies change.
So if you do the same thing you’ve always done, you’re always going to get what you’ve always gotten- only it will be LESS because because everything around you is growing and changing.
You won’t just get left behind, you’re gonna get smoked.
You’ve got to change things up from time to time to continuously challenge your body and mind.
That’s how you stay youthful and vibrant. That’s how you stay engaged in your Training Program. That’s how you achieve uncommon results to not merely be like everyone else, but to crush your goals and dominate your space.
If You Want Something You’ve Never Had, You’ve Got To Do Something You’ve Never Done.