Nutrition For The New Year

Happy New Year, Fam!  

Lemme ask you a question:  What Are Your Goals For This Year?

If you're reading this, you have goals that stretch beyond mere Health and Fitness, and you realize that your health is the vehicle you ride on the road towards goal attainment.    

I've got Great News for you-Nutrition Is A Powerful Tool to leverage to help catapult you towards all of your goals.  Check this out:  

When you eat better, you feel better.

When you feel better, you do better.

When you do better, you get better results. 

That's just how it is. 

Let's get to crack-a-lackin and dive into what many of you are starving for:  NUTRITION FOR THE NEW YEAR.

Every year, people reach out to me asking for my opinion on different diets, whether it's keto, plant-based, cleanses, etc. 

Those of you who know me, know I'm a pretty straight shooter when it comes to telling you what you need to know. 

You also know that I am one of the strongest advocates you'll ever have, especially when it comes to your well-being.

For each person who has reached out with this general of a question, I have responded the same.  I am not in the practice of distributing an opinion without knowing more details about you, your lifestyle and your goals. 

To do so would be a disservice.  

What I will do is break down this big enigma of Solid Nutrition into easily digestible pieces so that you can make an intelligent decision about how to move forward with your goals. 

1) Nutrition Is More Than The Foods You Eat.  Good Nutrition is all of the little HABITS that go along with it.  (I wrote a blog post about it-read it here: 

2)  Fat Is Released From Your Body, You Don't Lose It.  Again, it's RELEASED. This is a critical distinction because fat release involves physical AND mental conditioning (and oftentimes healing). 

3)  Calories Are A Measurement Of Energy, NOT An Indication Of Nutrition.  Read that again.  Calories are the geeky scientific unit of measurement of how much energy is in any given food/drink, just like we use watts, joules, amps, and volts with electricity. 

You can have a very low-calorie diet or a high-calorie diet, but it doesn't mean it's NUTRITIOUS.  Good Nutrition NOURISHES your body-all the way down to the cellular level.  Nutrition is the vitamins, the minerals, the amino acids, the water...all of it works together with how God designed your body to keep it functioning, growing and improving-REGARDLESS OF HOW OLD YOU ARE. 

4)  Nutrition And Fat Release Are Two Different Entities.  Nutrition is a TOOL that we use to assist you in releasing fat from your body. 

At the end of the day, fat release is accomplished when your energy expenditure (how many calories you burn) is greater than energy consumption (how many calories you eat/drink).

However, failure to NOURISH your body while reducing your calories results in plateaus (halt in fat release, energy crashes, athletic performance, etc), from jacking up all kinds of $#!+ in your body-especially important hormones such as thyroid, testosterone and cortisol. 

These are the things that my coaches taught me when I was frustrated with what I saw in the mirror.   These are the concepts I never really considered, (even though I knew a lot about the human body and working out) because I was in the habit of doing the same $#!+ over and over again, trying a new diet for 2 months and rebounding back the other know what I'm talking about. 

That's what Coaches are for-the right ones, anyway. 

When I HIRED coaches (rather than just following a magazine article), they took into consideration what was my CURRENT lifestyle and helped me bridge it into what I wanted it to be.  (For reminders, I was working in EMS during the day, and flip-flopping on a day/night rotation clinically between CVICU and as a Flight Nurse)

I do the same when I work with you.  

Fat release and lean muscle acquisition is inevitable when you work with me (provided you actually DO the things).  HOW we go about it is different from person to person.  What works past “losing” the first 7-10 lbs on the scale (which is actually WATER LOSS) for a typical 9-5er doesn't work for people in sales, entrepreneurship, tech, Nursing, or Fire/EMS. 

Those are the things I’ve learned through personal experience living in each of those areas and then coaching people just like you over the past 12 years.  

So as you make your decisions about the best way to invest in yourself and move forward, keep these things in mind.   

If there’s anything I can do to be of service to you in your Health and Fitness Endeavor, please CONTACT ME DIRECTLY HERE.    

Be Advised:  It doesn’t matter how new you are, how long it’s been since _____, how far gone you think you are...I have a team of highly trained and experienced people whose specialties extend beyond nutrition to help you reach your goals!!  

You get one life and one body.

Ain't no reason to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else blow past you. You got a lot of life left in you, and a $#!+ ton more you wanna do.