Remember Why You Started

The question I am most often asked by First Responders is, “Why do you do care so much about Firefighter Wellness?"

The reasons behind the question are obvious, I am not a firefighter, nor am I married to one.  I guess it does seem a little odd to have a recovering (lol) ER nurse commit to the well-being of First Responders, specifically firefighters.

When it is learned that I have built out an entire sector of our business to serve the Fire and EMS Community, I am often met with skepticism and raised eyebrows.   It causes me to chuckle inside, because I am the first to agree-it IS odd.

Here's the answer:  There’s a story behind "The Why."  

The moment that will forever be heralded as the moment which solidified my working with Firefighters and EMS personnel happened at the Funeral Mass of a firefighter by the name of Anthony Reynolds.

To give you a setup of the logistics, the Church was one of those open octagon-shaped buildings.  In the front center was the altar.  To the right facing the altar was seated all of Carol Stream Fire Protection District (FPD) and members of Darien-Woodridge FPD.

Anthony had been working (as a POC) at Carol Stream FPD while attending our Paramedic Class, and had just gotten hired on Full Time at Darien-Woodridge following graduation.

I myself was seated in the rear of the church.  Very similar to a military funeral where there is a soldier who stands at the casket until the soldier is finally laid to rest, the Fire Service has what's known as Honor Guard.  From my pew, I had a direct line of vision to the face of the Firefighter attendant who stood on Honor Guard at that time.  

Wearing his Class A’s, the brim of his hat was pulled so low that his eyes were barely visible.  What I could see, was his mouth; specifically his lower lip.  And what I saw BROKE MY HEART.  I could see his lower lip trembling as he struggled not to cry.  

That gentleman’s identity will remain confidential, but he can be described as the kind of guy who is always smiling and joking around.  Obviously not the case here.

The view to the right of the altar was equally distressing.  As I said, it was filled with everyone from Carol Stream Fire; whose faces and necks were red and blotchy because they were crying.  I promise you, I've seen my share of sad things.  That ranks up there as one of the MOST heart-wrenching things I have ever witnessed or been a part of.    

Now I don’t know whether or not you believe in God.  I completely do. 

It was at THAT VERY MOMENT, I said to God, "Lord, if there’s anything I can do to prevent all of this from happening again; that is what I resolve myself to doing."

As I walked out of the church that day, I swear to you:  I HAD NO IDEA HOW I WAS GOING TO DO THIS (and really NO IDEA what I had just committed myself to!  lol). 

I didn't even know what I didn't know.  For real.

(In case you were wondering, that was 2008.  Since then, it’s been a long, winding and kinda frustrating road; with GIANT learning curves--ahem-understatement of the CENTURY!) 

Now you know me, Miss "Champion Mindset" and "Surround-Yourself-With-The-Best."  That perspective includes selection of your partners and coaches.  (In retrospect, perhaps I should have taken a few seconds to diffuse some of my emotions BEFORE making GOD my accountability partner.  You SERIOUSLY can't back out!  You can't make excuses up, b/c He KNOWS that you're full of it.  It's like Santa watching you 24/7.  Only worse.  It's effective, yes; but...I'm not sure I'd recommend it (#truth).      

But Here’s An Important Distinction You Should Know:  There are CALLINGS and there are GOALS.  Callings supercede everything and contain goals.   Flat-out Goals do not involve the Divine, Source or Spirit.   

BE ADVISED:  This is not to argue which one is better or more important.  It's merely to point out the distinction between the two and tie in our Champion Mindset Training for the day.   

**AS A SIDE NOTE, WHEN IT COMES TO A CALLING:  Feelings of Overwhelm and Uncertainty Are An Expectation.  The Good News is that God never calls the equipped.  He equips the called.**

In my situation...for reasons that go FAR BEYOND my measly comprehension...for some bizarre reason, I truly believe that First Responder Wellness is a calling.  I have no explanation for it.  It simply IS.  (And trust me when I tell you I TRIED "discussing" this with The Big Man Himself about this.  Didn't go over so well.)  

Just because it's a calling doesn't mean you've got a fire underneath your culo 24/7 to persevere through the difficult times anymore than you feel sparked and energized 24/7 while pursuing "Flat-Out Goals."   

This is why it is IMPERATIVE to Remember Why You Started. 

When you commit to a goal (whether or not it has anything to do with a calling), and fuel it with your reason “Why,” you  ride the waves of motivation and momentum for a much longer time, and are able to re-spark them when you start to fizzle out.   

All goals:  health/fitness goals, relationship goals, finance/career goals, or pursuing your passions and purpose in life require a high degree of patience, persistence and a constant reminder of WHY you’re doing it.

That’s what keeps you in the game.  It’s what keeps the fire in your heart alive as time passes during the different phases before it fully comes to fruition.

Be Intentional.  Stay Congruent.  Follow Your Heart.  Remember Your "Why."  And no matter how great the mountain is in front of you, NEVER let ANYONE tell you it can’t be moved.

In Loving Memory of Anthony Reynolds (1981-2008)