Success Leaves Clues

A lot of people come to our Academy because they feel "stuck."

"I don't know where to begin," or "I'm just not making progress," and even "I've tried everything I could on my own, and don't know what else to do." are what we hear from most everyone who coaches and trains with us.

In the fitness world, we call "being/feeling stuck" a PLATEAU.  

Plateaus are frustrating, aren't they?

They're like playing a video game over and over...and no matter how badly you want it, or how many times you try you never make it to the next level.  In essence, you're "stuck."  That's a plateau. 

And that's why I built this Academy:  To come along side and assist you in busting through your plateau no matter what the goal is (hence the name 'The GOALS Program).    

That may sound either pretty general or completely unattainable, but here's the long and short of it:

You've got goals. 

Whether the goals are straight up health and fitness related, you want to get your money right, open up a new business, go on a Missions trip...Success Leaves Clues. 

In fact, the process is the same:  Decide.  Commit.  Succeed. 

HOWEVER, we all reach a point in our lives where what we're doing isn't working. 

We procrastinate.

We spin our wheels.

We make no progress.

We "fall off the wagon."

We end up aggravated, frustrated and disappointed; all the while time keeps on tickin' and before you know it, another year has gone by and we're no further along, or we're worse off than before. 

Believe me, I get it.  I've been there-numerous times! 

And BELIEVE ME-I tried my DARNEDEST to break through some of my own plateaus and always came up short.   (Talk about a mind-F!)

Now I don't know about you, but I value my time.  You only get so much of it, and there's nothing worse than wasting a bunch of time and not getting any results, agreed?  

After awhile, ya gotta have a serious conversation with yourself and ask yourself, "HOW MUCH MORE TIME ARE YOU GOING TO WASTE BEFORE YOU GET SOMEONE TO HELP YOU PROGRESS?"

I mean it.  Ask yourself that question and HONESTLY answer it.

If you value time as I do, and want RESULTS, call me, email me or ___CONTACT___ME___ HERE___ and let's get you rollin' powerfully towards your goals!   

As we close out for the day I leave you with this:  If you always do what you've always done, you're always going to get the same things you've always gotten.   

How's that workin' out for ya?
