Anabolism means you're forming molecules. Simply put, you're maximizing your gainz and building muscle. You're getting bigger and stronger.
Catabolism means you're breaking molecules down. Simply put-you're wreckin your gainz! You're getting smaller and weaker.
Obviously, your goal is to stay on the anabolic side, because you want to build your muscles bigger, denser and stronger.
There's only one problem: Your Body Doesn't Give A $#!+ About Your Goals. Your Body Has One Goal, And One Goal Only: TO KEEP YOU ALIVE.
(And when I say "alive," I mean "alive," in the most literal sense: That you have a pulse. That's it. Not walking and talking. Not even awake. Just ALIVE: Heart beating, lungs breathing, kidneys peeing. That's it.)
Here's what you need to know: your body needs the same resources to keep you alive that your muscles do to maximize your gainz and get you stronger. Those resources are an energy source, nourishment and water.
If you want to do anything more than just survive-walk, talk, make hormones, brush your teeth-your body needs MORE of those resources.
And if you want to workout like a beast and get Strong AF, your body needs EVEN MORE of those resources.
However, the body is WAY SMARTER, and has WAY MORE SYSTEMS IN PLACE than your muscles do to get those resources.
So there you are, busting your A$$ to get Strong AF, and along comes your body-WORKING SMARTER to get what it wants, and literally WRECKS YOUR GAINZ (aka Catabolism!!).
They keep you on the positive side of anabolism-acquiring more muscle, increasing its density and getting Strong AF.
On the flip side, failure to provide your body with the ENERGY, NOURISHMENT and HYDRATION it needs to keep you alive, walking and talking, producing hormones and recovering you from your workouts causes the body to move into straight scavenger mode and usurp every last piece of nourishment and hydration from your muscles. And guess what? If you think it can't get any worse, if it still doesn't have enough resources-the body will go into full-fledged cannibal mode and gobble up your hard-earned muscle, too-MAKING YOU SMALLER AND WEAKER.
Now maybe you've just had your first WTFrick moment, and are hungry (in the most literal sense) to maximize your gainz with a solid Nutrition and Recovery Program. We don't do cookie cutter programs or umbrella recommendations, because you deserve better than that.
Best Case Scenario is you sit down with us for a Fitness Consultation so that we can learn what's up with you, and TAILOR a program for you and your goals.
Health and Fitness Pros! Our upcoming Resource Center and Special Consultative Training Program is coming on July 8th! You'll learn how to look at someone's current Nutrition Program, identify the holes in it, and know how to make the recommendations your Client requires to get the results they want.