Your Mood Follows Your Food
Have you ever gotten so caught up in the heat of the moment that you said or did something you COMPLETELY regretted?
Or have you ever failed to take action bc you were caught up in your “feels” and “didn’t feel like it”?
How’s that workin out for ya? Lol
A huge part of Champion Mindset is Commanding Your Emotionality.
You absolutely CAN LEARN how to do this, and it’s part of Champion Mindset Coaching.
Today, if I may appeal to your Higher Side and ask you to consider how your FOOD influences your mood.
As unsexy as it sounds, Food is largely chemistry in action and your feelings/moods are also rooted in body chemistry.
With all due respect, there’s obv a lot to this-BUT-
If you find yourself REPEATEDLY causing holy hell bc of your outbursts, destroying your relationships bc you were in a bad mood, or missing out on happiness and fun times bc you didn’t feel like taking a step forward-
Wouldn’t it make sense to do everything in your power to Course Correct?
Nutrition is not the sole answer but it plays a HUGE ROLE in feelings of happiness and contentment, emotional stability, mental calm and overall well-being.
And I GUARANTEE you-you wouldn’t even believe it until you experience what it’s actually like to be snapped onto a Solid Nutrition Program and actually REAP THE BENEFITS of mental calm and clarity, and having consistent, predictable energy levels.
I believe EVERYONE has a Champion within them.
You simply have to be intentional about the choices you make to move the needle forward.
Two things to remember as you navigate your day:
#1 Your Mood Follows Your Food