My name is Nichole DeVincentis.

I am a Registered Nurse with 20+ years of acute care experience in Emergency/Trauma/Critical Care/Flight Nursing, and a Figure Competitor with the National Physique Committee.

I retired back in 2014, because I felt a higher calling to serve in a new way.

While I wasn't exactly sure what that looked like, I knew that I wanted to focus on LIFE- and lead the way to assisting others enjoy their own healthy, vibrant, and joy-filled LIFE.

This Academy was initially built to serve our patients.  However, what happened was that Health and Fitness Professionals began using my products and services more than laypeople did!

The way I see it, I now serve our patients through YOU.   Whether it's Healthy Food Service, straight up Education and Training or Personal/Professional Development, we exist to assist you in becoming a Nurse to be reckoned with.

My goal is to empower you in your personal and professional transformation to feeling fully confident and free to live a vibrant, healthy life no matter where you are, or what goal you are chasing. 



"I had no idea how one simple tweak in how I was eating would make such a HUGE difference in my energy levels. I can't believe that this was only the CONSULTATION! "

Football Coach (After his 90 minute NUTRITIONAL CONSULTATION)

"I would always get so tired at 9 AM. I had NO IDEA that one little change in how I was eating would fix that. THANK YOU! "

Beach Body Coach

"My doctor told me I was crazy for thinking that food was making me sick. Thank you for believing me, and helping me figure out which foods WERE making me so sick. My headaches are gone, the dark circles under my eyes are gone, and my nails are growing again! "

CNA (After her 12 Week Nutritional GOALS Program)

"You got my client to be accountable and set up a routine. Now our training sessions are TOTALLY EFFECTIVE-he's never late, and we don't waste any time with stupid B.S. talk. Thanks!"

Personal Trainer (Referred his Client for an 8 Week GOALS Program

"I used to get so p----d off at your when the answer to each of my questions was, 'It depends.' That is, until you pointed out that the treatment modalities I prescribe for my patients also 'depends' on their unique situations. Your Program helped me, my family and my patients. Many thanks! "

Internal Medicine Physician

"After two weeks, my blood sugars normalized, and now I don't need as much insulin as I used to. My doctor can't believe it!"

Fire Chief/Paramedic

" I was looking for a Coach who had TONS of knowledge, and you exceeded my expectations. Now I'm a 'Neuro Geek' too! "

MMA Coach (After his Nutritional GOALS Program)

"The way I've seen Nichole work I'd like to call it "controlled chaos." Her mind is always working on trying to improve herself as well as the people around her. If she makes a promise to you, you can believe there's nothing that will change it. When she's working with you, she is committed to you. I can talk and brag about her all day, but I want whoever sees this to have their own experience with her because you'll feel the same way I do. She's one of the best things to happen to ever happen to me. An ANGEL!"

Personal Trainer

"Sometimes it takes someone who knows what you’re saying even when you don’t. That is Coach Nicki. Her coaching sessions helped me understand the difference between what my ego was making my mouth say I wanted, and what my heart was trying to make my brain hear. I have a new job, doing what I love. It wasn’t easy getting here and it isn’t easy staying here, but if life was easy I wouldn’t have needed my Coach. Thanks Nicki. The way Nicki helps you break down the areas of your life gets you past the lies you tell yourself. Just because I had convinced myself that certain parts of my life weren’t important, didn’t make it so. Nicki’s coaching techniques made me be honest with myself and face fears I wasn’t willing to admit I had. Once I did, I could move forward, until I did, I was stuck. "

Fire Chief (Ret.)/Paramedic

"Dead was the word to describe my deadlifts. My muscles weren't engaging right, my right knee and a-- cheek always hurt, and I was having tons of neck pain. I asked around if I could trust you to help me. All the guys at the gym said the same thing: Nic knows whats up. I guess that's why they call you Muscles. Thanks for putting up with all of my s---. I know I gave you a hard time. No one knows as much as you do, or understands the male psyche like you do. And you are worth every penny I've spent so far. I know I have a ways to go, but thanks for setting me straight so far. "

Personal Trainer (After 2 Sessions of Corrective Deadlifting and 4 Yoga for the Athlete Classes)

"I've been an athlete all my life, and have always lifted heavy. Since I turned 40, my back was hurting every day, and I couldn't hardly even work out. I was completely skeptical about taking a yoga class, but when you told me your class is geared exclusively for lifetime athletes just like me, I figured I give it a try. I'm back in the gym, lifting heavy, and have even started HIIT! ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR FRIGGIN YOGA CLASS. Thanks, Nic! "

ER Nurse

"My husband saw you speak at a Fireman's Conference. When he told me I should see you to help get back in shape I was skeptical (and a little jealous that he thought you were so great!) but I'm glad I took the chance! Working with you as my coach has done so much for me and our family. We definitely eat better, and are much more physically active than before. The best part is that mine and my husband's relationship is improved. You helped me to learn how to be a better listener and communicator. It's amazing that since I'm more calm, he is too. HIS blood pressure has gone down! Thank you! "


"I called you when I was freaking out after placing 3rd Nationals. I'll never forget when you told me to get my "striated little a$$ back up on that stage" and "bring your $#!+" I earned my Pro Card the very next show. "

IFBB Bodybuilding Pro (Following one 90 Minute Champion Mindset Coaching Call)


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