Coaching Cues To Recruit Lower Traps and Rear Delts

Overcoming Trap Dominance Is Done With Intentionality

Creating Mind-Muscle Connection to separate out the rear delts from the traps is important to sculpting an aesthetically pleasing physique and for durability of the shoulder capsule. Here's how to cue it:


Visualization Tip For Cueing

Picture your target muscle. Imagine the muscles either being like a bunch of dominoes that fall back and forth in a line or like an action figure with articulations between each muscle. One has to move before the other will.

Spinal Neutrality and Rock-Solid Stability

Here's how it works: The more stable you are, the greater the level of isolation training. Likewise, the more energy your body uses to control "swings" in your stance/positioning, the more diversified the energy pathway is and the less total energy it has to send to the target muscle.


The Next Step Will Include A Stretch

Just as you saw in the above video, once we solidly get your lower traps engaging, we will include a stretch. Until then, focus on spinal neutrality and stability.


50% Complete

Two Step

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